Alando1-doom / Toby-Accessibility-Mod-for-Doom

This is a Doom wad/mod designed to add accessibility features to assist blind/visually impaired players navigate the maps of the classic Doom games.
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[Feature] Freedoom patch #33

Open proydoha opened 1 year ago

proydoha commented 1 year ago

Given that apparently Toby Accessibility Mod gets played with Freedoom it could be worth the effort to make a compatibility patch for it.

I believe that it should be a separate patch, not part of the main package because actor names are the same between Doom and Freedoom.

Maybe its worth creating a separate repo for various compatibility patches ( ? )

We could include new sounds for Actors-in-viewport feature: Freedoom monsters, items and weapons have their own unique names. Not sure about decorative actors.

Map name announcement feature can be included in that patch too.

Record sounds (singular and plural) for:

Record sounds for map names:

Looking at DEHACKED lump for names:







Freedoom 1 map names Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Freedoom 2 map names:

Alando1-doom commented 1 year ago

We can do it. At least some of the pre-existing Toby Sounds can be used. Once version 7.0 is done, I'll be happy to do some voiceover work for Freedoom :)