Alankar0416 / Justdial-Scrapper

A 100% working Justdial scrapper, Just enter the url and it'll extract business info from it
13 stars 22 forks source link

trying - but now worked #3

Open sarathbdm opened 6 years ago

sarathbdm commented 6 years ago

print ("#" + str(service_count) + " " + dict_service['Name'] (service_count) += 1

shows syntax error here and bs4 module not found error

Dhiren-Biren commented 5 years ago

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib import requests import csv def innerHTML(element): return element.decode_contents(formatter="html")

def get_name(body): return body.find('span', {'class':'jcn'}).a.string

def get_phone_number(body): try: return body.find('p', {'class':'contact-info'}).span.a.string except AttributeError: return ''

def get_rating(body): rating = 0.0 text = body.find('span', {'class':'star_m'}) if text is not None: for item in text: rating += float(item['class'][0][1:])/10

return rating

def get_rating_count(body): text = body.find('span', {'class':'rt_count'}).string

Get only digits

rating_count =''.join(i for i in text if i.isdigit())
return rating_count

def get_address(body): return body.find('span', {'class':'mrehover'}).text.strip() def get_location(body): text = body.find('a', {'class':'rsmap'}) if text == None: return text_list = text['onclick'].split(",") latitutde = text_list[3].strip().replace("'", "") longitude = text_list[4].strip().replace("'", "") return latitutde + ", " + longitude page_number = 1 service_count = 1 fields = ['Name', 'Phone_number', 'Rating', 'Rating Count', 'Address', 'Location'] out_file = open('Dhiren Hyderabad_cars.csv','w') csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(out_file, delimiter=',', fieldnames=fields)

Write fields first

csvwriter.writerow(dict((fn,fn) for fn in fields))

while True:

# Check if reached end of result
if page_number > 50:

url="" % 1
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent' : "Magic Browser"}) 
page = urllib.request.urlopen( req )
# page=urllib2.urlopen(url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser")
services = soup.find_all('li', {'class': 'cntanr'})

# Iterate through the 10 results in the page
for service_html in services:

    # Parse HTML to fetch data
    dict_service = {}
    name = get_name(service_html)
    phone = get_phone_number(service_html)
    rating = get_rating(service_html)
    count = get_rating_count(service_html)
    address = get_address(service_html)
    location = get_location(service_html)
    if name != None:
        dict_service['Name'] = name
    if phone != None:
        print('getting phone number')
        dict_service['Phone'] = phone
    if rating != None:
        dict_service['Rating'] = rating
    if count != None:
        dict_service['Rating Count'] = count
    if address != None:
        dict_service['Address'] = address
    if location != None:
        dict_service['Address'] = location

    # Write row to CSV

    print("#" + str(service_count) + " " , dict_service)
    service_count += 1

page_number += 1


Dhiren-Biren commented 5 years ago

the above Code working

krishnamalireddy commented 4 years ago

the above Code working

Can you please provide the only code without comments and explanation