Alarcarr / ABEMMOD

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[FIXED] Guardian fleet redesign #1

Closed DaloLorn closed 9 years ago

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

The new hex limit kills the Guardian, and is probably not too good for the Lecythos and Vastabat. I'll need to make new designs for them...

Alarcarr commented 9 years ago

We need to nerf the guardian anyway somehow the Fleet is now 120M strenght and the Range of that shit is too big.

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

It's now 120M strength because of the changes to the design system. Like I said in the other thread, we have to redo all our balancing.

Edit: Also, do I hear that it's too OP for the person who cranked up the size to 240% of what I gave him? ;D

Alarcarr commented 9 years ago

But is op now before was fine ,