Alarcarr / ABEMMOD

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Improving boarding mechanic. #23

Open DaloLorn opened 9 years ago

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

We should probably add a subsystem dedicated to defending against boarders (a good analogy would be Space Empires' "Security Stations"), and a subsystem designed to assist in an existing boarding defense.

(The latter would be an ability which either outright ended a boarding action, or bolstered the ship's crew. Ending boarding actions is easy; bolstering crew would require some Ship, Orbital and Asteroid rescripting.)

Alarcarr commented 9 years ago

Boarding need Ui support and ships being launched

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

The former's not going to happen as long as we have no GUI programmer, and the latter... I'm not sure how to handle that one yet.

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

Okay, I'm going to make a 'Security Station' which has enough defensive potential to counter two equivalent Boarding Parties, and a 'Defensive Party' which immediately ends Boarding Actions, but consumes energy dependent on the ships' relative sizes and must take up at least 30% of the ship's hull.