Alarcarr / ABEMMOD

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Mothballing ships. #28

Open DaloLorn opened 9 years ago

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

I just had an idea after reading this post here:

Basically, it's sort of like mothballing in Space Empires. If for whatever reason you don't need flagship X right now, and it's in owned space, use an ability to mothball it. Control of the mothballed ship will be transferred to space (defaultEmpire, like with derelicts), shields and supplies will (as with derelicts) be lost, and maintenance is reduced to 5%.

The mothball status is removed when the ship is unmothballed. To avoid unmothballing spam, 10% of the ship's build cost must be paid in order to unmothball the ship. (If boarded, the ship will simply transfer ownership of the mothball status to the boarding empire so that THEY can unmothball it.)

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago


DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

Bleeep, deeeeet. Beepity beep beep!

Alarcarr commented 9 years ago

I readed it the first time .I like the idea of having fleet storage but I am stil thinking.The purpose of that is having fleets with reduced maintenace /0 maintenance available to be used when needed .