Alarcarr / ABEMMOD

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Sensors. #30

Closed DaloLorn closed 8 years ago

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

EDIT: Okay, the framework is laid out. Now it's time to figure out what to do with that framework.

Alarcarr commented 9 years ago

Well i think that this is still feasible , i can check the sripts for u, and dont think the devs are angry with u or anything else so there are still there for any help u need .Dont give up!

DaloLorn commented 9 years ago

... I removed that comment yesterday.

That said, this isn't a matter of 'devs are angry at me' or 'devs can't help me anymore'. It's a matter of 'don't have precise knowledge of what I need to change and how I need to change it in order to maintain compatibility with additions or fixes to the base game. (Worst-case scenario would have been that we'd have to remove all of our modified scripts in order for the mod to be capable of running.)

I've kind of worked around the issue by making a Git repository of the whole game as it's installed on my PC, but the lack of advance warning means I can only fix this stuff in response to it breaking, rather than responding to the changes as they are being made.

In other words, we're not going to have to give up anything, but we are going to have a longer recovery period whenever the devs do something that breaks the mod.

DaloLorn commented 8 years ago

Okay, I just need to figure out how to sort the sight modifiers, and everything else will be a cakewalk by comparison.

So far, I have the code for all the other stuff in server/LeaderAI, it just hasn't been pushed to GitHub. Wrap up the sorting, and then I can move on to shadow/LeaderAI and data/leader_ai followed by writing up new hooks.

The first test: KHAAAAAAAAAN. (In other words, nebulae.)

DaloLorn commented 8 years ago

The release of 0.4.0 means that this issue is finished.