There is not great documentation on what the trigger slot is or does, just that it is there.
I need an example of using the dropdown e.g.) where you select an option from menu, and it closes the popup and shows the desired selection.
I'm working with plain html project so nothing crazy going on. Is there assumption that someone would know what trigger does or how to use it?
I also don't see any default behavior for a click / select event to close the popup. that was default in labs if I recall.
Possible Solution
Below is what ive started playing with. If I put something in Trigger it shows, but never changes.
import "@aurodesignsystem/auro-dropdown";
import "@aurodesignsystem/auro-menu";
import "@alaskaairux/auro-button";
import "@alaskaairux/auro-icon";
import "@alaskaairux/design-tokens/dist/tokens/CSSCustomProperties.css";
import "@alaskaairux/webcorestylesheets/dist/bundled/essentials.css";
const clicked = ev => {
// im sure this is NOT how to do this, but it works lol;
document.querySelector("#fc").addEventListener("dropdownToggled", ev => console.log("toggled"));
document.querySelectorAll("#fc auro-menuoption").forEach(o => o.addEventListener("click", clicked));
working on trying to upgrade from aurolabs version which we had working for new microsite (which is react) but first want to understand how this works in vanilla html.
General Support Request
Support request
There is not great documentation on what the trigger slot is or does, just that it is there. I need an example of using the dropdown e.g.) where you select an option from menu, and it closes the popup and shows the desired selection.
I'm working with plain html project so nothing crazy going on. Is there assumption that someone would know what trigger does or how to use it?
I also don't see any default behavior for a click / select event to close the popup. that was default in labs if I recall.
Possible Solution
Below is what ive started playing with. If I put something in Trigger it shows, but never changes.
working on trying to upgrade from aurolabs version which we had working for new microsite (which is react) but first want to understand how this works in vanilla html.
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