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Community Verification Event for the Ethereum-compatible Version of PlatON | Alaya
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HackathonPLUS - Go-SDK for Platon #7

Open van-bright opened 2 years ago

van-bright commented 2 years ago
van-bright commented 2 years ago

【Issue 1】 if I want to dependency in my go project, it can not be compiled because of bls.git.

I can only compile PlatON-Go locally and then replace it in go.mod.

But for project go-ethereum, works fine to dependency.

van-bright commented 2 years ago

【Issue 2】 According to this tutorial, use the tool abigen to generate native binding for .sol file. The output .go file can not be compiled, because abi.ConvertType it is not defined.

van-bright commented 2 years ago

【Issue 3】 types.BlockNonce is defined as [81]byte, but in go-ethereum it is defined as [8]byte.

The difference makes some APIs can not be unmarshaled.

biganxin commented 2 years ago


benbaley commented 2 years ago

@clearly PTAL

cheng762 commented 2 years ago

【Issue 1】 if I want to dependency in my go project, it can not be compiled because of bls.git.

I can only compile PlatON-Go locally and then replace it in go.mod.

But for project go-ethereum, works fine to dependency.

你是指通过go get PlatON的方式来作为项目的dependency 无法编译吗?由于PlatON中依赖bls库,需要根据操作系统预先生成bls静态库后方可运行。

cheng762 commented 2 years ago

【Issue 2】 According to this tutorial, use the tool abigen to generate native binding for .sol file. The output .go file can not be compiled, because abi.ConvertType it is not defined.


cheng762 commented 2 years ago

【Issue 3】 types.BlockNonce is defined as [81]byte, but in go-ethereum it is defined as [8]byte.

The difference makes some APIs can not be unmarshaled. PlatON和以太坊的types.BlockNonce的用法不同,以太坊的BlockNonce是一个无意义的随机数,用于工作量证明,与挖矿的难度有关,PlatON的BlockNonce用作存储VRF的证明,因此两边的类型不一致,暂无兼容计划。对于该字段,除了go版本之外的sdk基本都能兼容。

biganxin commented 2 years ago

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