Albert221 / FromSelect

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Add "console" for easier execution of SQL queries #1

Open Sobak opened 7 years ago

Sobak commented 7 years ago

PMA has something like this but I think it can be more promoted. I would go with some aggressive key binding like Ctrl+Q so it would be really useful. Not as a full replacement for "SQL" tab but in case of simpler queries it could reduce workflow by one click (opening new tab/page reload).

Albert221 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, absolutely! I thought about small popup being shown after pressing some key binding which would include no more than a simple textarea for SQL query.

Sobak commented 7 years ago

Popup could look nice but it obviously has shlightly reduced functionality. You can't show history of queries.

That's not the case with typical SELECT (as it would reload the page anyway) but things like SELECT COUNT or other returning single result would benefit from classic console-like approach.

Albert221 commented 7 years ago

Hmm, that approach would be really clever. That's definitely a case and I'm looking forward to implement this!