AlbertBrand / angular-cancel-on-navigate

MIT License
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Code change request. #3

Open bjaraujo opened 8 years ago

bjaraujo commented 8 years ago

This modified source code solves 2 problems.

  1. If cancelOnRouteChange isn't defined, the call isn't cancelled. This is specially important when loading angular app directives. I have a redirect to login would cancel the loading of important app directives. The default behaviour should be not to cancel.
  2. Cancelled calls were hanging the angular-loading-bar. So loading would never finish.

I didn't create a PR because these changes are easy to implement. Source code below:

  .module('angularCancelOnNavigateModule', [])
  .config(function($httpProvider) {
  .run(function ($rootScope, HttpPendingRequestsService) {
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function (event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
      if (newUrl != oldUrl) {

  .service('HttpPendingRequestsService', function ($q) {
    var cancelPromises = [];

    function newTimeout() {
      var cancelPromise = $q.defer();
      return cancelPromise.promise;

    function cancelAll() {
      angular.forEach(cancelPromises, function (cancelPromise) {
        cancelPromise.promise.isGloballyCancelled = true;
      cancelPromises.length = 0;

    return {
      newTimeout: newTimeout,
      cancelAll: cancelAll

  .factory('HttpRequestTimeoutInterceptor', function ($q, HttpPendingRequestsService) {
    return {
      request: function (config) {
        config = config || {};
        if (config.timeout === undefined && config.cancelOnRouteChange) {
          config.timeout = HttpPendingRequestsService.newTimeout();
        return config;

      responseError: function (response) {
        return $q.reject(response);