AlbertBrand / react-native-android-tablayout

React Native Android TabLayout native component
141 stars 29 forks source link

my app crash!! #31

Open git-xyz opened 7 years ago

git-xyz commented 7 years ago

react native 0.36 compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"

nothing else

no errors

janoschpizza commented 7 years ago

Same problem here with same RN / Android SDK versions.

As soon as I touch another Tab the app crashes to home screen with message "Unfortunately App has stopped."

piotrpoz commented 7 years ago

Same here. RN: 0.37 targetSDK: 23

Here is a logcat log:

--------- beginning of crash
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291): Process: com.test, PID: 4291
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No direct method <init>(IJ)V in class Lcom/facebook/react/uimanager/events/Event; or its super classes (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/com.test-2/base.apk)
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at com.xebia.reactnative.TabSelectedEvent.<init>(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at com.xebia.reactnative.TabLayoutManager$TabLayoutOnTabSelectedListener.onTabSelected(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at$
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at$1.onClick(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at android.view.View.performClick(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at android.view.View$
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at$
11-14 17:55:14.834 E/AndroidRuntime( 4291):     at
11-14 17:55:14.835 W/ActivityManager( 1557):   Force finishing activity com.test/.MainActivity
qntnrbns commented 7 years ago

What version of this package are you using??

piotrpoz commented 7 years ago

@thebicycle2 it is 0.3.0.

janoschpizza commented 7 years ago

@thebicycle2 0.3.0

qntnrbns commented 7 years ago

I haven't had the time to test it myself yet, but the HEAD of master is not the same package that npm is currently distributing. @AlbertBrand pulled in a commit cd8cd152870d33818ddf97976da8872926a07b20 that fixed a bug in TabSelectedEvent. Try pulling that package using the github url instead, and see what happens.

piotrpoz commented 7 years ago

@thebicycle2 This was brilliant idea. Seems master's HEAD is free of this issue. Would be great to tag/release this one as bug seems to be critical.

PARAGJYOTI commented 6 years ago

App crashes . Please please fix this . This is one of the most useful libs i found on react-native .