AlbertMN / AssistantComputerControl

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"computerAction.txt" file is not executed #35

Closed ManuelGotzen closed 5 years ago

ManuelGotzen commented 5 years ago

time synchronization (Troubleshooting) Make sure that the server time and the time of the local computer are identical, or not longer than 100 seconds apart (ACC Settings - File edited margin)

(check, if necessary adjust NTP) (check ACC log, search "The file is more than ??s old, meaning it won't be executed.")

ManuelGotzen commented 5 years ago


bezüglich NTP hab ich noch diese kurzen Notizen: ...copy,paste.begin...

Windows Uhr Problem( Internetzeit nicht erreichbar ( Zeitsynchronisation (### NTP) für FRITZ!Box und Netzwerkgeräte einrichten

.reg Einfach eine .reg Datei erstellen... Name: Internetzeitserverliste.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers] @="0" "0"="" "1"="" "2"="" "3"="" "4"="" "5"="" "6"="" "7"="" "8"="" (OFT NICHT ERREICHBAR!)

Mein privater Vorschlag:

Zeitsynchronisation (NTP) für FRITZ!Box und Netzwerkgeräte einrichten

Deutschland - Fügen Sie Ihrer ntp.conf-Datei Folgendes hinzu, um diese bestimmte Poolzone zu verwenden:


In den meisten Fällen ist es am besten verwenden einen NTP - Server zu finden (oder,, etc , wenn Sie mehrere Server - Namen benötigen). Das System versucht, die nächstgelegenen Server für Sie zu finden. Wenn Sie Software oder Geräte vertreiben, die NTP verwenden, lesen Sie bitte unsere Informationen für Anbieter.


vlt. hilft das ja jemanden. thx & HAVE A GOOD TIME

ManuelGotzen commented 5 years ago

100 seconds may not be enough. thx & HAVE A GOOD TIME

AlbertMN commented 5 years ago

I don't really understand this issue, @ManuelGotzen , what is the problem exactly? :) "computerAction.txt file is not executed", but the details you provide don't really help me figure out the problem. Please send the log.txt, and error_log.txt.

ManuelGotzen commented 5 years ago

The problem is the TIME CALCULATION ... because my LOCALHOST deviates from the UTC+1 ... Therefore I corrected the NTP accordingly ...

Had several hurdles at the beginning. First, it was the lack of permission to cloud synchronization. The file was not removed. What is that I have reversed general user rights (old little trick that complicates attacks from outside) Similarly, the function of ACC is not guaranteed if the Cloud Sync previously paused longer and as me just before the SYNC of ACC 50GB priority have what can be avoided by integrating a 2nd alternative cloud as a servo. Similarly, a "simple" batch (the Sync example. By means of 'Robocopy' side of the localhost plus monitoring favors)

A determination of real TIMECODE difference can also be determined in advance and can be corrected accordingly posthumously, which the setting for "File edited margin "would be unnecessary.

ManuelGotzen commented 5 years ago

I'm dealing with such "solutions" almost all my life ... there is a primary API that understands a "natural language", learns ...

In search of the "perfect speech recognition and SELF self-learning autonomous control" my search brought me once again to the constantly growing "Google platform".

It gets exciting in the section "Machine Intelligence". Here it says (in connection with 'BigQuery'):

Google's two decades of machine learning and AI means you can bring predictive analytics into your application using industry-leading services. Accelerate data preparation for machine learning with Cloud Dataprep. Use BigQuery ML to build machine learning models on datasets of any size within BigQuery, using simple SQL. Leverage and train custom Google Metrology Modeling with Cloud AutoML or build advanced TensorFlow models or Cloud Machine Learning Engine models by simply connecting to big data sets in Google Cloud Storage or BigQuery.

Source: Google - Big data analytics

AlbertMN commented 5 years ago

I must admit I don't really understand. Are you suggesting a change to ACC? If so, would you mind being a bit more specific? I get that you're proposing a change to the "File edited margin", but exactly what I don't get. You're welcome to open a pull request, but if you're not experienced with C#, you're gonna have to guide me to what it is you wish.

Sorry for my delayed response - had a few exams, but got some more time on my hands now :)

ManuelGotzen commented 1 month ago

5 years later [...] 😂 AN AI SUGGESTED ME A CORRECTION 🤖

My current private AI model (genAI) suggested a correction. BECAUSE MY PROBLEM WAS ALWAYS EXPRESSING MYSELF TO PEOPLE IN A WAY THAT WAS UNDERSTANDABLE. Since I have struggled with this almost my whole life, [...] kind of funny [...] "Bug"

well, I just read it again. To be honest. I didn't understand what I was trying to tell you. I don't even understand the problem.🤔 My AI explained it to me... 🐇

but that would just be TRIVIA. 🧐 with that in mind. I hope I was able to put a smile on your face, for at least, a moment 😉

. . thx & HAVE A GOOD TIME
