Closed KeyboardInterrupt closed 4 years ago
What I plan to do for the Beta release is to spin up a (32Bit) Windows XP Virtual Machine for the initial release, but for future releases we probably want to find a better solution.
I have set up a 32 Bit Python Environment on my dev. box and will try to provide a 32-Bit executable with the first Beta Release.
Should we maybe focus just on the 32-bit Version? as there is no real benefit from creating a 64-bit executable.
The client comes now in a 32-bit Version. The 32-bit release has no new Features not included in the 64-bit version... I could not test it though.
So if someone with a 32-bit System could test the Client that would be great :smile:
This is made obsolete by the Switch to ReBabel
With this being such an old game it makes sense people are more likely to run it on old 32Bit systems, we should accommodate for that by providing a 32Bit version of the client.