AlbinoDrought / cachios

Simple axios cache wrapper using node-cache
MIT License
88 stars 10 forks source link

Freedom: remove the majority of devDependencies, remove bundling, remove babel-runtime, simplify project #43

Closed AlbinoDrought closed 6 years ago

AlbinoDrought commented 6 years ago

I'm tired of the package updates and general clutter.

This PR trims the project down to what I feel is required for a base, working cachios:

It removes:

Because I'm unsure of what breaking changes this may have, I'm going to eventually release it as 2.0.0.

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 100.0% when pulling 96bd6e1ba37633abae9901d239a6dc585d844c1a on feature/freedom into 092755b85bb80809434fd508490693b5cad404ca on master.