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A DAB/DAB+ Software Defined Radio (SDR)
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Spyserver support in to listen DAB/DAB+ #683

Open R8LBL opened 2 years ago

R8LBL commented 2 years ago

Hello, subj

andimik commented 2 years ago

Does any Spyserver provide 2.048 MS? Most of them only have 2.000, which is too less.

I tried in the past with a Czech signal, but I could only get the labels after re-sample to 2.048 MS. But no audio.

R8LBL commented 2 years ago

Does any Spyserver provide 2.048 MS? Most of them only have 2.000, which is too less.

I tried in the past with a Czech signal, but I could only get the labels after re-sample to 2.048 MS. But no audio.

there is some spyservers which have more than 2.048 msps, judging by website. But no one of this servers can not provide enough data bandwidth for receiving without interruptions:(

andimik commented 2 years ago

If you find one, please share the URL and I will try.

R8LBL commented 2 years ago

If you find one, please share the URL and I will try.


AlbrechtL commented 2 years ago

Interesting idea to support spyserver. But does it make sense? I mean with supporting and the existence of 2.048 MS capable servers it is possible to receive station from other locations - worldwide.

aerogus commented 2 years ago

I just own an Airspy mini and would be happy to be able to acces it over my local network from client. The same way rtl_tcp can be used to access a rtl-sdr key in a LAN.