Alcaro / Flips

Floating IPS is a patcher for IPS and BPS files.
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Fix 'Run in emulator' option with mingw-w64 8.1.0 #18

Closed mrexodia closed 5 years ago

mrexodia commented 5 years ago

The swprintf function takes the %s format specifier to mean a const char*, so the final output in cmdline would be "C" "C". I explicitly specify %ls to mean wchar_t* and this fixes the issue. I am not sure if this is an issue specifically with mingw-w64 8.1.0, but %ls is always correct regardless.

Additionally I removed the emulator path from the first CreateProcess argument since it does not do anything (your command line already contains which process to launch).

Alcaro commented 5 years ago

Passing st_emulator twice is because Windows command line handling is quite messy, so I'd rather be as explicit as possible.

But you're absolutely right about the %s. Turns out Flips 1.31 uses msvcrt's printf, which doesn't quite follow the standards, while modern mingw prefer a builtin printf implementation.

%ls works on both, and I've seen msvcrt get closer to standards compliance (for example, it learned %zu in Windows 7 - Vista and older only understand %Iu), so this is an improvement. Thanks.

Now to switch it back to msvcrt - the builtin printf demands libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll nearby, which fits poorly with my preference of having Flips be a single standalone .exe. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

mrexodia commented 5 years ago

For me mingw-w64 doesn't link to any non-system libraries without source modifications. See

It should just statically link mingw-w64's printf implementation...

Alcaro commented 5 years ago

That's a 64bit build. This extra DLL only shows up on 32bit, and may depend on other mingw-w64 config too (both exception model and threading style affect the number of DLLs, or at least did last time I checked).

While I prefer static links over extra DLLs, I also like keeping my binaries small. There's no reason to include 70KB of printf code if I don't need it.