AlchemistSimulator / Alchemist

Alchemist: an extensible simulator for pervasive computing
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Hide class loading warnings during batch execution #3513

Open anitvam opened 3 months ago

anitvam commented 3 months ago

When alchemist search for suitable constructors given the provided arguments, it gives back an error each time a constructor does not fit. For example:

10:09:52.342 [main] WARN it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.loader.util.JVMConstructor --   - InstancingImpossibleException: Could not create an instance with public it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.launchers.DefaultLauncher(java.util.List,boolean,boolean,int,int,kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker): discarded because incompatible with provided parameters [ArrayList, Boolean, Boolean, Integer]
10:10:02.110 [Alchemist Pool 0 worker 3] WARN it.unibo.alchemist.boundary.loader.util.JVMConstructor --   - InstancingImpossibleException: Could not create an instance with public it.unibo.alchemist.model.timedistributions.ExponentialTime(double,it.unibo.alchemist.model.Time,org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator): discarded because incompatible with provided parameters [Double]

It is possible to hide them if it is not a blocking error?

DanySK commented 3 months ago

There should be a --verbosity error level, the default is warning. I would still hide them by default, they are de-facto info loggings. In general the explainability of the loading process should be improved