AlchemyCMS / alchemy_cms

Alchemy is the Open Source Rails CMS framework for the component based web that can be used as classic server side rendered or headless CMS.
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Refactor Cells Namespacing #462

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

when we integrate cells ( we get namespace conflicts. Any suggestions here?

robinboening commented 10 years ago

I think the only way to get it working is to namespace that cells gem, which is currently not.

Do you have an example stacktrace with errors?

On 12.02.2014, at 11:47, Florian Schade wrote:

when we integrate cells ( we get namespace conflicts. Any suggestions here?

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ghost commented 10 years ago

it is namespaced... as Cells. if you change in

include Cells


include Alchemy::Page::Cells

all works fine! tested this way

Alchemy::Page.class_eval do
  Object.send(:remove_const, :Cells)
  include Alchemy::Page::Cells

what i also did is overwrite the pages helper to get render_cell working

module Alchemy
  module PagesDecoratorHelper
    include Alchemy::PagesHelper

    def render_cell(name, state, *args, &block)
      ::Cell::Rails.render_cell_for(name, state, self, *args, &block)

    def render_cms_cell(name, options={})
      default_options = {
          from_page: @page,
          locals: {}
      options = default_options.merge(options)
      cell = options[:from_page].cells.find_by_name(name)
      return "" if cell.blank?
      render partial: "alchemy/cells/#{name}", locals: {cell: cell}.merge(options[:locals])
tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

Damn, wrong button :)

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

What version are you using?

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

It is totally ok, to proper namespace the includes, but I don't know if we really need to rename the helpers. If we do it, we would need to rename all helpers. I think of a proxy object on which one could call the helpers. I.e.: alchemy.render_cells

Ideas? @robinboening @masche842

ghost commented 10 years ago

sounds good for me. thx

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

Ok, I guess this can be closed for now.

robinboening commented 10 years ago
Alchemy::Page.class_eval do
  Object.send(:remove_const, :Cells)
  include Alchemy::Page::Cells

This is like a shoot in the head. You can also do this - it also works:

Alchemy::Page.class_eval do
  require 'alchemy/page/cells'
  include Alchemy::Page::Cells
tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

This hack is not needed anymore: d8b9fac1abf8440b4c856f9005d385797d6e8147

The only issues is the render_cell helper. But this can be avoided with above mentioned fix from @fschade

robinboening commented 10 years ago

It is still needed. Without the hack your not including Alchemy::Page::Cells as you would expect. Instead you will get ::Cells included and receive a warning like warning: toplevel constant XX referenced by YY::XX". I think thats an issue from Ruby which is not fixed since 2003:!searchin/comp.lang.ruby/warning$3A$20toplevel$20constant$20XX$20referenced$20by$20YY$3A$3AXX/comp.lang.ruby/E-uspv678CM/Wpj4d5SYdH8J

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

Did you tested this? Because I think it should be working. Alternatively we could use include ::Alchemy::Page::Cells. This has to work.

ChristianPeters commented 10 years ago

I am using the 2.9.stable branch and have focused on making Alchemy work at all first. (Later, I have to make a cell from the Cells gem work inside an Alchemy page.)

What I did:


    config.to_prepare do
      Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app/**/*_decorator*.rb")) do |c|
        Rails.configuration.cache_classes ? require(c) : load(c)


Alchemy::Page.class_eval do
  require 'alchemy/page/cells'
  include Alchemy::Page::Cells

The problem is not completely solved with this workaround, as I am still experiencing exceptions like undefined method 'cells' for #<Alchemy::Page:0x007fd099d074a8>. They occur when changing e.g. the en.yml without restarting the server in development mode. While this is not a big show stopper, it is still annoying.

ChristianPeters commented 10 years ago

Also, I am experiencing these warnings that Robin mentioned:

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

Ok, how do we solve these issues? Are they fixable? I want to release 2.9 soon, and if this is still an issue I would love to have a fix for it.

robinboening commented 10 years ago

I dont see a way to get rid of these warnings without moving the code from Page::Cells back into the Page model, or renaming it.

I'd guess the other issue with the undefined method exception @ChristianPeters mentioned would also be fixed then.

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

And what if we would rename the Alchemy::Page::Cells module into something like CellsConcerns or similar. It is just an ActiveRecord::Concern to slim down the Page class. Not the best practice anyway. So the name is completely irrelevant here.

robinboening commented 10 years ago

Thats what I mean. We should try it. I think it should fix that.

ChristianPeters commented 10 years ago

You tackled the name conflict with the Cells constant but not the render_cell helper, right? I had to include @fschade's workaround to make my app work as before installing Alchemy. I guess it would be nice to namespace it, too: render_alchemy_cell

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

I really have a problem with renaming the helper just for this "edge case" of combining these two gems. The workaround of @fschade is working and can be used by others using these gems together.

If we would rename these helpers in 2.9, we would need to deprecate them, etc, pp. These helpers are "sugar on the top". Rendering cells and elements is trivial. just load them and render a partial. And to be consistent, we would need to rename all "frontend" helpers, which would break a lot of sites.

So, sorry about, but we won't rename them now.

What do we do to solve the namespacing issues? @robinboening @ChristianPeters

ChristianPeters commented 10 years ago

I haven't found the time to look into the namespacing issues yet.

Regarding @fschade's workaround for render_cell: You can reduce monkey patching by aliasing Alchemy's helper:


Alchemy::PagesHelper.module_eval do
  # Override Alchemy's render_cell helper by restoring the one from the Cells gem
  # See
  alias_method :render_alchemy_cell, :render_cell

  def render_cell(name, state, *args, &block)
    ::Cell::Rails.render_cell_for(name, state, self, *args, &block)
tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

I like this approach. Maybe we should make Gist out of it, so people can find it via Google or we put it in the Wiki?

robinboening commented 10 years ago

@ChristianPeters I also thought about a method alias, but wanted to have tested it before mentioning it. :) But it should exactly do what we want. Have you already tested it in production?

ChristianPeters commented 10 years ago

Yes, it's works.

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

Ok, I will close this then. We have a suitable workaround for this "issue".

tvdeyen commented 10 years ago

We backported 461308f20ed49b636b7a6ec21294307aae4b1045 into 2.9-stable so you do not need the hack for removing the Cells constant anymore.