AlchemyViewer / Alchemy

Alchemy is a Second Life compatible viewer striving to be at the forefront of stability, performance, and technological advancement in the open-source metaverse viewer field.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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[New Feature]: Shortcut to quickly change my lighting/environments #52

Open raquelcassia opened 5 days ago

raquelcassia commented 5 days ago




Shortcut to quickly change my lighting/environments

Today, depending on the place I visit, I need to change the lighting quickly. I also see the same need when taking photos, when I look for the lighting that best suits the scene.

When using alchemy, I feel that the usability of the "my environments" button follows a very complex flow for a simple act of change environments.

Current flow: Since I as a user want to change the current lighting When I click on my environments And I search each folder where the desired environment was saved And I click on it And a pop-up opens on the screen And I click save So the environment will change

As described, a flow of 5 or more steps is necessary to change the environments when you specifically choose something, if you don't have any in mind and would like to try which one best suits the location, the number of steps can triple.

I would like to suggest as an improvement the possibility of changing the lights in a more practical and quick way, as already exists in other viewers. For example, a button to be added to the toolbar where a list of all the sky present in the inventory is displayed and it is possible to change it using arrows.

Thank you for the space and the great work to the community, and sorry for my english

GeminiMarshdevil commented 4 days ago

is this what you were looking for? image