AlchemyViewer / Alchemy

Alchemy is a Second Life compatible viewer striving to be at the forefront of stability, performance, and technological advancement in the open-source metaverse viewer field.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
25 stars 15 forks source link

New Feature: Money Tracker to track incoming Linden whlst inworld; for tips and donations for example #64

Open HollyGilesWinslet opened 3 months ago

HollyGilesWinslet commented 3 months ago


MOney tracker to record incoming and outgoing Linden whilst in world


I know it says not to say 'make it like firestorm', but this is the only feature that has kept me in firestorm instead of coming to Alchemy. I am a live performer and I need to be able to have something open on my screen that shows me tips, who sent them and how much, with the most recent up top. I know they pop up in top right of the screen but that is chaotic and it's easy to miss some while I am performing. I would 1000 % move to Alchemy permanently if this were a feature. Currently I only use Alchemy for shopping and photography, as it's lag free, but for my performing I have to still use FS just to be able to track my tips, and my performances is when I actually DO need to be lag free. image

steelsnake commented 3 months ago

That sounds like a very useful feature in general. I knoew you can use the web dashboard for this but to me it seems more sensible to have it in the viewer.

Even not being a performer i would use this.

DarlCat commented 3 months ago

In the past Alchemy has had a feature like this in A port is planned, so this request can be marked as tracked.

afallenhope commented 3 months ago

It has been suggested before in the Discord, and I did work on a port of it, however it got lost in the great move to GH. I might import our old version. The request has been accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here. I'll start work on it this weekend NO GUARANTEE THAT IT'LL BE DONE.