Aldaviva / AuthenticatorChooser

🗝️ Background program that skips the phone option and chooses the USB security key in Windows credential prompts.
Apache License 2.0
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Allow only single instance #7

Closed waltersenekal closed 4 hours ago

waltersenekal commented 1 day ago

Hi, thanks for sharing your program, i love it I would suggest that you make it that only one instance can run at a time

internal static class Program

  static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "{B13D5A64-7F53-48A8-B022-3F65E35C1A1E}");

  public static void Main()
    if (mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, true))

      using WindowOpeningListener windowOpeningListener = new WindowOpeningListenerImpl();
      windowOpeningListener.windowOpened += (_, window) => SecurityKeyChooser.chooseUsbSecurityKey(window);

      foreach (SystemWindow fidoPromptWindow in SystemWindow.FilterToplevelWindows(SecurityKeyChooser.isFidoPromptWindow))

      _ = I18N.getStrings(I18N.Key.SMARTPHONE); // ensure localization is loaded eagerly

      // Notify the user and exit
      MessageBox.Show("Another instance of the application is already running.");

Aldaviva commented 1 day ago

Thanks for the suggestion, that's a great idea. I will add that.

Aldaviva commented 4 hours ago

Added, this program will now exit if there is another instance of itself already running in the same user account.

Aldaviva commented 46 minutes ago

Released in 0.2.0.