AlderArts / foe

Fall of Eden
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wrong perk? #378

Open trixymoon opened 8 years ago

trixymoon commented 8 years ago



Should be...


I mean, breeder tooltip state 'Shortens gestation period and increases the chances of having multiple children', while Virilium state 'Increase your cum production, capacity and potency'.


}, enabled : (player.HasPerk(Perks.Breeder) || player.sexlevel >= 5) && terry.PregHandler().IsPregnant() == false,


if(father.HasPerk(Perks.Breeder) && Math.random() < 0.3)
aldergames commented 8 years ago

Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean. It was intended as written, though the Virility one might make more sense. Could just add both of them as potential ones I suppose.

trixymoon commented 8 years ago

The way I see it is: it is the male side that impregnates the female, so the virility perk can give you a boast, but the breeder perk (interpreted with meaning "shorten gestation period..")? Is not the MC who gives birth in both of the scene. I think that the breeder perk is the reflexive on the MC and don't involve other characters, or not?

aldergames commented 8 years ago

The way it is implemented, breeder increases the litterSize, regardless if you are the father or mother.