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Trophy Exploit & Join Friends Issue #13166

Open IcekingGunter opened 2 weeks ago

IcekingGunter commented 2 weeks ago

Trophy Duplication & Join Friends Issue

Expected Behavior

When server hopping to a friend, the player's dinosaur should move to the new server without leaving a duplicate body behind in the original server, and the player(s) should not be able to gain additional trophies without consequence. The player should also be able to join other friends' servers without issues.

Current Behavior

Upon server hopping to a friend, the player's dinosaur's body remains in the original server. If another player kills the body left behind, they can collect the trophy, and the player who hopped to the new server does not lose any gold or experience. The person who collects the trophy experiences no Trophy Cool down after depositing the trophy in a home cave. So this can be completed back to back in rapid succession.

Additionally, the player that uses the exploit cannot rejoin the original server or join other friends' servers after performing this exploit, encountering a connection issue that results in a loop of failure to joins that's persisted for days.

Date Exploit was discovered: 6/8/24 Date Exploit was Determined to be repeatable: 6/9/24

Reproduction Steps

Player A = Person who uses there Adult Dino as the Trophy Vending machine. Player B = Person who benefits from the Vending Machine

Start on an official server with a friend. Have Player B kill Player A's Dino once Player A has used the "Join Friend" feature in the social menu, and has logged in and is playing on another server. (As long as you click play character and are loading in, Player B can start killing the body that's been left behind.) Player B on the original server then collects the trophy, turns it in, then "Join Friend" On Player A. (Player B experiences no Trophy cool down timer using this method.) Rinse & Repeat

Connections issues: When Player A attempts to join the original server or other friends' servers, they encounter a connection issue resulting in a loop of failure to join.

Evidence (Screenshots & Videos)

Video files contain proof that the exploit works on Official Servers (Files Exceeded Upload limit so a google drive link has been provided.) One video is of my laptop playing and the other video is go pro footage witnessing both screens simultaneously (The PS5.& PC) as the exploit takes place.
I originally shot it on a 1080p webcam but the quality wasn't good so I bought a Go pro and got it in 4k.
The video shows me playing two accounts on official servers creating the exploit and doing it 3 times back to back. The first attempt at 4 minutes in was a hiccup but things got back on track after that attempt.,

Build Information

Game Version:

Operating System & Version: PC Windows 11 PS5

Alderon Games ID: 000-000-000 586-760-558 : Main Account with Sarco adult PS5 885-861-071: Sub Account with Thal Laptop 280-444-840 : Friend that assisted. (Duck)