Alderon-Games / pathoftitans-bugs

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Compilation Video Of Bugs! #13167

Open Scharfzahn11 opened 2 weeks ago

Scharfzahn11 commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Path of Titans Team,

I have taken the time to record and compile several errors in your game into a video. This video covers bugs, unrealistic hitboxes, invisible walls, glitches in walls and mountains where one can no longer escape, and much more.

I have personally logged over 2000 hours of gameplay, and all the videos were captured on the PlayStation 5. It took several weeks of work to edit this video. I am a passionate player of your game and would be deeply honored if I could receive the Bug Reporter Skin as a token of appreciation for my efforts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Best regards,

Scharfzahn11 from Gondwa

Link to the Video (YouTube):

Alderon id: 364-366-317