Alderon-Games / pathoftitans-bugs

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Screen Froze #13179

Open Ladybits101 opened 2 weeks ago

Ladybits101 commented 2 weeks ago

Expected Behavior

Current Behavior

My screen froze on social/global chat open. In IC on my Sucho at approx 8:00pm pst. 6/12/24. Nothing I pushed on my controller worked. I the only thing I could do was hold the playstation button and close the game that way. Unfortunately, i was heading to water to escape a Rex, a few Allos and Dasp. They killed me according to a friend trying to protect. Since I had to close the game I didn't get a chance to screen shot or get video.

Reproduction Steps




Evidence (Screenshots & Videos)

Crash Logs

(If Applicable. No logs needed if there is no crash.)

Build Information

Game Version: 0.0.0.XXXX 5.3.2+ZEN Operating System & Version: Playstation 5 Alderon Games ID: 000-000-000 825-160-578