Alderon-Games / pathoftitans-bugs

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Eurhino Pounce Glitch #13205

Open arimbuc opened 3 days ago

arimbuc commented 3 days ago

Patch #: 0.32908 h2 @5.3.2 Platform: Mobile iPhone 14 Alderon ID: 226-743-089

Description: While a eurhino is pounced and latched onto a sarco, it is still able to be damaged by its host’s charged bites. This goes for raptors as well, but there are reports for that already.

Expected behavior: The new update made it so that eurhino’s are not supposed to be taking damage from creatures they are pounced onto.

Observed behavior: Sarco can still reach eurhino and hit them with charged bites when they latch onto the sarco’s shoulders, and it is very easy to kill them as well as replicate this bug.

Reproduction steps: When a eurhino is attached to you as a sarco, you need to carefully angle yourself while swimming slightly backward to be able to reach its hitbox. I have reproduced this multiple times.
