Aldriana / ShadowCraft-Engine

Calculations backend for ShadowCraft, a WoW theorycraft project.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Testing UI #74

Closed raconzor closed 13 years ago

raconzor commented 13 years ago

I believe it is now sufficiently full-featured so as to be useful. It may still be buggy - I welcome any feedback on functionality or UI. One thing to watch out for is it does not currently default glyphs.

A save/load feature is high on my list, but I still have some things to do to prepare my toon for Cata so ... I'm not sure how far I will get on that list.

Other TODOs - clean up the UI, make the reforged values visible somewhere, add talent comparions to result area.

dazer commented 13 years ago

Since I don't know how to merge your commists into a new branch in my fork to modify it, I'm putting up here a populated I took items ranging from 333 to 372 iLvl; trinkets I took were all those that our engine supports. I took out items with random enchants and commented out some never-to-be-used weapons (slow off-hands).


reuploaded file: one item was missing

raconzor commented 13 years ago

Committed the file with a couple small changes. Added support for tier11 to the ui. 2 yellow gems - hmm, that's definitely on the list

Aldriana commented 13 years ago

Would it make sense to move this into a subdirectory of its own rather than leaving it in the top level?

dazer commented 13 years ago

There's a parsing error that I somehow let through in the file I uploaded: every item with sockets is holding a 'mastery': number_of_sockets string. I'll upload a new file once I get home.

raconzor commented 13 years ago

Subdirectory: I've had issues running anything from other than the root directory due to include paths - I'll take a look at this again tonight.

Parsing issue: I can find-replace that easily enough myself.

raconzor commented 13 years ago

One other thought - I really don't like the un-ordered appearance of the gear in the app. The only way I know to allow specifying an arbitrary (non-alphabetic) order is to keep all the item names in a separate ordered list. Thoughts? For me this definitely goes after a save/load feature and allowing multiple same-color gems.

julienp commented 13 years ago

Raconzor: here's how I changed the tests scripts in the packaging branch: Should work for the UI too.

raconzor commented 13 years ago

These updates are incorporated in the latest commits.

Aldriana commented 13 years ago

Is this ready to be pulled, then?

raconzor commented 13 years ago

Yes I think so. As a check, I plugged the same gear/glyphs into my version and julien's - they came out ~6 dps different which I think is believable as compounded rounding error.