Closed Aldrog closed 9 years ago
Yes, I tried both 0.2 and 0.9 versions. They both have this same screen issue. Therefore I tried this "fixed" version but the application fails to start every time. Can't remember the terminal log command to create a trace file. I only did normal user operations (install/upgrade/remove) from 0.2 to 1.0alpha. Were too buzy to mess/clean with .config files&folders. My system version is
@Termitebug I've just uploaded a rebuild of the app on experimental SDK. You can grab it on the same version tag. Not sure if it changed anything, but crash at the start sounds like a broken build.
Can't remember the terminal log command to create a trace file.
You can launch harbour-twitchtube
from terminal and simply copy-paste the output, or append &> filename
to it to write the output to file.
I'm really sorry about taking your time, hope to get a tablet soon so I won't need help just to check if the app works.
It seems your the experimental SDK produces broken builds. RPM file size is half of a previous successful build (0.9.0-1). Launching the app from terminal prints "missing binary in /usr/bin/
@Termitebug new build 36 KB and it launches successfully on my phone with SailfishOS
@Termitebug has the issue gone? I can't check it since Sailfish port for my SGS3 doesn't support automatic screen blanking at all.
Issue still persists. Application log does mention screen blanking is turned off. But screen goes blank:
SailfishOS (Eineheminlampi) (armv7hl)
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ harbour-twitchtube
[D] QWaylandEglClientBufferIntegration::QWaylandEglClientBufferIntegration:62 - Using Wayland-EGL
[D] loadGames:37 -
[D] :30 - Error accessing url
[D] :31 - HTTP: 404 Not Found
[D] QGstreamerVideoWindow::QGstreamerVideoWindow:72 - No m_videoSink available!
[W] unknown:151 - file:///usr/share/harbour-twitchtube/qml/pages/StreamPage.qml:151: TypeError: Cannot rea d property 'mobile' of undefined
[W] unknown:24 - file:///usr/share/harbour-twitchtube/qml/cover/NavigationCover.qml:24:26: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[D] Tools::setBlankingMode:62 - Screen blanking turned off
[D] logAvailability:199 - video availability: undefined
[D] onSourceChanged:53 - 234 374
[D] onSourceChanged:54 - 0 0
[D] IrcChat::onSockStateChanged:177 - QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState
[D] :30 - Error accessing url
[D] :31 - HTTP: 404 Not Found
[D] logState:216 - video state: playing (harbour-twitchtube:24446): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object->refcount> 0' failed ...
[D] logState:216 - video state: paused
[D] IrcChat::onSockStateChanged:177 QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState
Turned out it's needed to repeat requests for screen blanking pause periodically (every 60 seconds at least). Otherwise system simply thinks the app's stopped and cancels the requested pause. Here's an update with this taken in account.
Well done! I tested the -0.90.2-1 version of a 5 minutes continuous watching and the issue is solved. This can be closed now. Thanks :+1:
@Termitebug thank you a lot for your help :+1: . Now I need a few days to finish the chat issue #4 and 1.0 is ready :smile:
Hi @Termitebug, I think I found a possible location of the bug in headers includings. If it's true, commit c48aeb06fbe6facc5e102495c5f50e081b0ea28f should fix it. Could you give it a try?