Ale0430 / MiniBuoy-App

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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Warning and error messages #4

Open mcwimm opened 1 year ago

mcwimm commented 1 year ago

Here we can collect and discuss the wording, layout and appearance of messages.

mcwimm commented 1 year ago

Wording: data upload

Ale0430 commented 1 year ago

on data upload data message for files with >2 columns... WARNING: this file has > 2 columns. Make sure your second column is ACCy before you continue. Only Columns 1 (date-time) and 2(Acceleration on y axis) are used in this analysis

Ale0430 commented 1 year ago

Edit error comment on dat upload -> files with 2nd column != numeric (i.e. time)

Ale0430 commented 1 year ago

H We might need a warning message for B4 vs B4+:

If user uploads a B4 dataset but labels it as B4+ in the Data upload page, wave orbital velocity will be estimated (though B4 is not used to estimate wave orbital velocity)

@cailadd90 do you have any idea of how to go around this?. I can only think of a warning message when selecting Mini Buoy type-> i.e. "You have selected B4+, if the data originated from B4 the estimation of Wave orbital Velocity will not be accurate". And this message should only appear when B4+ is selected.