AleDel / Spout-UE4

Spout Plugin for Unreal Engine
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How I Create Sender Why SceneCaptureComponent2D #5

Closed crashangelbr closed 8 years ago

crashangelbr commented 8 years ago

Hi, Im Trying why GameViewPort and my Receive is OK!!!!!

More for my is necessary in application utility various receivers and when a try sending why TextureRender2D im my application is Black Screen...

How you create in UE4 you TextureRender2D???


sheridanis commented 8 years ago

And if you use the viewport mode can you have more than 1 viewport?

Btw thanks for the example most useful, also i noticed your using the hdr cosole command, does this use memory shate mode in spout or a texture share?

AleDel commented 8 years ago

@crashangelbr RenderToTextureTools search for "SceneCapture2D" Here a link

@sheridanis modifying the code you can capture any viewport. i use GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetRenderTargetTexture()->GetNativeResource(); to get the texture. in editor work fine but if you build and pack the project to windows to publish dont work, need other way.

about console command, surely I was testing how the screenshot utility work, the plugin dont use it, at least I dont remember, if you're referring to the node "Add Scene Capture Component 2D" possibly I have tried many options because I do not get the "scene capture" render what I want