Aleborg / homeassistant-aleborg-frontend

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theme? #3

Closed Symbiot78 closed 1 year ago

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

in your documentation you say a theme is included? there's no folder but during your guide we install mushroom themes..

which are 'we' using?

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

This is the file used:

Mushroom is used for a lot the cards

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

Hi Anders.. Yeah... I found that template.. but copying it to config/themes did NOT go well :) I assume that's not the intended way of using it?

this is what my ... try .. with your dashboard looks like.. I believe i've followed everything you've written so far.


Aleborg commented 1 year ago

You don't need to copy it to that folder. All the files is already placed in the correct folders, you only should need to upload them to the config folder and add the correct info in configuration.yaml

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

ok. .hmm.. I wonder what I am missing then - to make it pull the template config (see above screenshot)

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

And you also need to edit the home.yaml for the moment to fit your needs. I will make it more generic and automated as soon as I can.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

@Aleborg - Yeah.. I am editing home now.. I just added the 3 sensors you can see just to get some data.. but am wondering about the theme changes.. like colors etc.

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

Ive missed to uplod the themes folder, sorry. I'll upload it later today

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

lol - Not to worry :) I have a lot of other work I need to do with this dashboard. I really like it for the menu etc. on the left.. Great work so far :-)

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

@Aleborg - Yeah.. I am editing home now.. I just added the 3 sensors you can see just to get some data.. but am wondering about the theme changes.. like colors etc.

You'll get the correct colors when you upload the themes folder that I just uploaded. You probably need to restart HA

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

that did the trick :)
