Aleborg / homeassistant-aleborg-frontend

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sonos | adding to room setup. #5

Open Symbiot78 opened 1 year ago

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago


So continuing my journey through your dashboard - I wanted to get my sonos added under one of the rooms.

if I understand correctly the room tab would use the include.yaml from here:


and looking in the yaml file it appears that you are excluding speaker device class - which of course sonos is. but maybe that's on purpose. I then tried adding my own:


but it makes no difference.. it ignores my device and gives me a blank page.

I've triple checked that my sonos device in in the "kitchen" area - which now is setup correctly.

so should the auto-entities not be picking this up?


Aleborg commented 1 year ago

Just noticed that there is a problem in that file, my setup is a little different, I have a Sonos mediaplayer that is connected to an input in a receiver, depending on what input you select, the selected source is displayed.

Try to add this in aleborg_frontend\templates\partials\media\auto-entities\include.yaml:

- entity_id: media_player.*
  area: {{title}}
  device_manufacturer: Sonos
  options: !include ../sonos/media_sonos.yaml
Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

At first try that did not help. Didn’t have time to play around with it though. But adding it did nothing.

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

When you do changes to any yaml file, do a small change in tablet.yaml as well, just a new line (empty), ha won't notice changes to other files.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

Tried your trick Also remove device manufacturer No luck

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

I tried adding it to the lights section. here it works. it fails because it cannot find the sonos card (which i didn't add to the path) - so fair enough that it throws an error. But it actually tries.

so area etc is correct. But no matter what I try I cannot get the media card to pickup the sonos. Even if i hardcode the entity_id as I did with the lights..

this in the include.yaml for media:

Does NOT work.

but adding it to include.yaml in lights.. and it is added to the lights section.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

hm.... I've tried every iteration and combination of files & parameters I can think of. I simply cannot get the sonos entity to show under media tab.

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

Ok, so this is my templates\partials\media\auto-entities\include.yaml file right now. With this code I get the Sonos card

# lovelace_gen

# Receivers and speakers
- entity_id: media_player.*
  area: {{title}}
    integration: "cast"
    - attributes:
        device_class: speaker
    - attributes:
        device_class: receiver
  options: !include ../receiver/media_receiver.yaml

  # Chromecast speakers
- entity_id: media_player.*
  area: {{title}}
  integration: "cast"
    - attributes:
        device_class: tv
  options: !include ../cast/media_cast_speaker.yaml

  # Chromecast TV's
- entity_id: media_player.*
  area: {{title}}
  integration: "cast"
    device_class: tv
  options: !include ../cast/media_cast_tv.yaml

- entity_id: media_player.*
  area: {{title}}
    media_content_id: "*sonos*"
  options: !include ../sonos/media_sonos.yaml
Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

Strangely that does not change anything

I moved to my living_room area which contains a tv & my appleTV both media_player entities and none of them show up

it’s as if the whole media ‘partials’ are not being picked up. I tested the showMedia as well and setting it to false removes the media tab.

am going to play with moving media to lights section just to test

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

That's really weird, all my media shows up in the correct places, google speakers, sonos etc

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago


I will try and looked at the tabbed.yaml and see if I can follow the paths as it seems the media yaml files are being ignored.

the issue is the same on both my dev and my prod HA server.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

I tried a bunch of different things.. for one I had Music_assistant integration installed which is defunct because a new build is in the works. got that removed, reinstalled sonos integration. Somehow.. I got sonos to show up.. BUt.. Was playing with the media_sonos file and now I lost it again.

I think it's a cache thing from lovelace_gen but I cannot figure out how to refresh it. I've done all the usual, reload, refresh, change tablet file etc etc.

Of course I removed my changed from media_sonos file.. but to no avail.. quite strange.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

can it have anything to do with this from the logs?:

while scanning for the next token found character '%' that cannot start any token in "/config/includes/lovelace/aleborg_frontend/common/views.yaml", line 7, column 2

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

gave this another try.. I had given up.

but today was the day I succeeded.. too much even.

I replaced ALL files from this repo - then added


That gave me the sonos card.. but it also added another mediaplayer.. or rather.. the other media_player was there before.

I commented out all other media player lines in the file (the CAST ones) .. that removed the 'extra' media player. So that's ok for now. I don't use any cast integration but maybe it's there by default from HA.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago


More digging..

So I found that if i comment out this part below.. the extra media player line disappears..

`- entity_id: media_player.* area: {{title}} not: integration: "cast" or:

as soon as I re-enable it.. the speaker is back. I've tested it a few times.. and every time .. same result. so the above code somehow thinkgs that the sonos speaker is supposed to be picked up.

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

reading auto-entities github

not: integration: "cast" or:

for the above.. is the plan to say :

don't use integration cast devices.. but DO use either speaker or receiver.. ?

Aleborg commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply, I've have had a lot to do lately. I think I know what the problem is, I'm doing all the changes and I hope that I will be able to finish it during next week. It's a lot of changes that needs to be done sadly.

I'm also updating the frontend with a new settings file in json format so that we don't need to restart HA every time the settings file is edited

Symbiot78 commented 1 year ago

Hi A No worries.. it's your stuff - I'm just liking the layout and want to adapt some.. maybe..

I've been playing a bit with the media_sonos.yaml file and did this to get rid of groupings etc.. I don't see the need.

` type: vertical-stack cards:
