AlecAivazis / survey

A golang library for building interactive and accessible prompts with full support for windows and posix terminals.
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How to filter data from input options? #425

Closed jukie closed 2 years ago

jukie commented 2 years ago

I have a struct that I'd like to display a specific field for users to choose from, is there a way to filter this in the display prompt? For example I only want to show Version from the struct below and have users select one.

type Release struct {
    SomeDetail    bool
    Somethingelse int
    LongMetadata  string
    Version       string
mislav commented 2 years ago

Hi, you could collect all the Version values in a string slice and then use those as Options to a Select. The trick is to use an int receiver as the result from the prompt, so that you know the numeric index of the Release that the user has chosen:

releases := []Release{
    Version: "1.2.3"
    Version: "1.0.2"

var releaseOptions []string
for _, rel := range releases {
  releaseOptions = append(releaseOptions, rel.Version)

prompt := &survey.Select{
    Message: "Choose a release:",
    Options: releaseOptions,

var releaseIndex int
survey.AskOne(prompt, &releaseIndex)

// use the index value to reference the original Release struct
chosenRelease := releases[releaseIndex]
jukie commented 2 years ago

I guess that was an obvious alternative but was curious if there's a dynamic way to filter the options as they're presented to the user.

mislav commented 2 years ago

but was curious if there's a dynamic way to filter the options as they're presented to the user.

I'm not sure what you mean by "filtering" the options, but Select and MultiSelect prompts only support a slice of strings as Options, so whatever your data structure is, you always need to convert it to a slice of strings in your app. Survey doesn't handle this at the moment.