AlecAivazis / survey

A golang library for building interactive and accessible prompts with full support for windows and posix terminals.
MIT License
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Last line in prompt becomes invisible when a character is typed and then deleted on a previous line #437

Closed pokir closed 1 year ago

pokir commented 1 year ago

What operating system and terminal are you using?

MacOS 12.4; alacritty (but bug is reproducible in any terminal)

An example that showcases the bug.

This is a bug found in GitHub's CLI that uses the survey library. See this issue in GitHub's CLI.

  1. Open new terminal window in a git repo
  2. Press enter many times until the terminal scrolls down
  3. Run gh issue create
  4. Type text in the Title prompt until it wraps to a new line at least once
  5. Move the cursor to a previous line before the line wrap
  6. Type a character and delete it
Capture d’écran 2022-07-31 à 17 03 11 Capture d’écran 2022-07-31 à 17 03 24 Capture d’écran 2022-07-31 à 17 03 39

What did you expect to see?

Text on the last line

What did you see instead?

No text on the last line

pokir commented 1 year ago

This can also be done with go run examples/simple.go (in the repo) instead of using gh.

AlecAivazis commented 1 year ago

Mind checking if this is still a problem now that #445 has been merged? I'm unable to reproduce it on the lastest master

AlecAivazis commented 1 year ago

I'm going to close this since its gone a bit stale and I can't reproduce it.