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Node throw error on 'npm start' #17

Open sambanks5 opened 1 year ago

sambanks5 commented 1 year ago

Created some files for sidebar yesterday and ruined everything. 'npm start' throws a node error. Think its something to do with file setup from Just so you know. Will fix when back later.

AlecMoore commented 1 year ago

image Trying to look at your changes do you get this?

Also what's meant to be shown now when you start it?

sambanks5 commented 1 year ago

No, that seems like an older version as 'Styles' folder was created before the bugs happened Sunday night. Currently I have a simple sidebar with a few links, hover animations and a logo placeholder. Links do work and the URL path changes on click but need to work out how to add different pages. image

Need to play around with colours and styles obviously but its a start. Next thing to do is fix a current bug I have where the link 'hover' state stays for the page you're currently on. e.g. if you're on cuisine page the cuisine link stays lit up.

A small pencil mock-up of what I'm trying to do for now IMG_1309

We need to think of more items for the sidebar, currently we have 3/4 links but ideally we would like at least 5 with some having drop down menu with further items. Tomorrow I'm going to create some kind of site map and share.

sambanks5 commented 1 year ago

Also im not thinking much about css styles at the moment so it will look basic for a while, want to get the basic div structure sorted first and then worry about how it looks.

AlecMoore commented 1 year ago

Ok that looks good, I just need to figure out why mines not working. You sure you committed everything?

AlecMoore commented 1 year ago

specifially could you see if you checked in your ReactFrontEnd esproj file

sambanks5 commented 1 year ago

Ok that looks good, I just need to figure out why mines not working. You sure you committed everything?

Everything committed. Apart from 8 cache files that are all in ./obj/debug image

specifially could you see if you checked in your ReactFrontEnd esproj file

That was checked in. Maybe because this is in the ReactFrontEnd folder its causing problems?