Project Components Creation and Project Upload Information
Response to issue #72
The task of creating two new sections for the current project has been completed as requested in Issue 72. The necessary components have been developed both in the frontend and backend to display the available projects in the nursery and provide static information for uploading new projects.
Changes Made:
The ProjectsComponent has been created in Angular to display the available projects in the nursery.
The corresponding route has been added to access the projects section in the app-routing.module.ts file.
The user interface has been implemented to display the projects on the "Projects" page.
The InformationNurserymanComponent has been created in Angular to display the static information necessary for uploading new projects.
The corresponding route has been added to access the information section for the nurseryman in the app-routing.module.ts file.
The information page for the nurseryman has been designed and developed with the necessary details for creating and publishing projects.
The necessary CSS styles have been added for the newly created components.
Tests Performed:
Unit tests have been conducted to verify the proper functioning of the new components and their integration with the rest of the application.
Integration tests have been conducted to ensure that the functionality of displaying projects and information for the nurseryman is correctly displayed in the user interface.
It has been verified that the access routes to the new sections work correctly and redirect to the corresponding component.
Project Components Creation and Project Upload Information
Response to issue #72
The task of creating two new sections for the current project has been completed as requested in Issue 72. The necessary components have been developed both in the frontend and backend to display the available projects in the nursery and provide static information for uploading new projects.
Changes Made:
has been created in Angular to display the available projects in the
has been created in Angular to display the static information necessary for uploading new
file.Tests Performed: