AleksLitynski / teller

A game engine dedicated to making generative content easier to make.
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Allow Node Ranges #14

Open AleksLitynski opened 10 years ago

AleksLitynski commented 10 years ago

Lets say a node can have any of a number of colors. We want to connect each of those colors to the node with an even probability of being it's color.

If we want to offer a dynamic range (1-1000) of color, we may want to create fake, range nodes. IE: a node that represents a 10% chance for any value 1-100 without creating 100 new nodes.

A way to reuse ranges would be good too.

Saying a bed is "red | blue | orange" would be nice. Saying a bed and a table are "red | blue | orange" and pointing to the same node would be better.