Closed kyung01 closed 10 years ago
Three python code samples that may help:
Connect to the database. Send/receive json:
def query(query_string):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('', 5005))
query_response = s.recv(10000) #our replies are VERY long. GOTTA fix that. At least, don't recurse into nodes that already exist
return query_response
Get info a about a given noun by name:
def describe_noun(noun_name, depth=2):
#broke up the return into 2 lines to make it more readable
return '{"type": "get", "params": {"depth":'+str(depth)+'}, "search": {"edges": [{"direction": "inbound","type": "describes","weight-time": "1",' +
'"terminal": {"type": "relationship","edges": [{"terminal": {"type": "type","value": "named"}},{"terminal": {"type": "value","value": "'+noun_name+'"}}]}}]}}'
Get info about a node by ID:
def get_node(node_id, depth=2):
return '{"type": "get", ' \
'"params": {"depth":'+str(depth)+'}, ' \
'"search": {"id":"'+node_id+'"}}'
Get all nodes in DB (will overrun buffer!!! Increase from 10000!!):
def get_all(depth=2):
return '{"type": "get", ' \
'"params": {"depth":'+str(depth)+'}, ' \
'"search": {}}'
Currently server sends local dummy search file if asked to get data from database.
def sendSearch(handler): printFunc("SEARCH") searchResult = open("dataSearch.txt").read() read =; handler.wfile.write(json.dumps(read))
This is the code atm. I am not familiar with sending data. I want you to provide me with simple example.
handler.wfile.write( dataYouJustSearchedThroughHere )
If you could edit this section, then I can start to understand far easily. Also we can now start to see all the nodes that are actually in the database :D!
s.send("give me the booty") #Thing that I need to send you in this line here