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Optimizing Images for the Web with WebP and Lazy Loading #56

Open AleksandrHovhannisyan opened 4 years ago

zhandosweb commented 3 years ago


Thank you very much for the article! Please, let me ask a one question.

You only generating WebP for images? + Lazy Load. And it's enough for optimizing images in Jekyll blog?

What you think about srcset for optimizing images? You don't need different sized images? Like srcset 1x, srcset 2x etc.

For example, Gatsby.js or Gridsome automatically create different sized images (srcset). What you thinking about that?

Sorry for bad English, I'm still learning. Thank you again for your blog and articles!

AleksandrHovhannisyan commented 3 years ago

Hi @zhandosweb,

Yup, I'm only generating WebP images at the moment, and it's working fine. Per best practices, though, you're right—I should really be generating different variations of my images for different device widths. I haven't quite gotten around to that yet :)

I know jekyll_picture_tag does this, but I don't use that plugin for my site (the build time is quite long).

Thanks for the comment! Also, for what it's worth, your English is perfectly fine!

pedalracer commented 3 years ago

Can you tell me how webp on the fly generation via module (libs) is coexisting with pache module pagespeed_mod?

I run an online shop that is mega slowly loading and I am looking for a solution. Ofcourse my shop renders pre-resized images and I can choose to offer webp next to jpeg images. But I read that the pageespeed_mod that I can activate in the console of my website host is said to be capable doing the same?! This apache extension can convert images on the fly too. I think, both my websites webp function as the apache mod convert jepg to webp and create this new webp image. So next time this does not need to converted again. So, I am asking is this a question of either webp via shopsystem or wordpress or via apache mod? Or can they coexist and benefit from each other?

AleksandrHovhannisyan commented 3 years ago

@pedalracer I'm not familiar with that. Sorry that I can't be of any help here!