Alekseon / AlekseonEav

Magento 2 Extension which allows you to easly create dynamic EAV models
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More translations #45

Closed albertdxc closed 1 month ago

albertdxc commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the previous translations, I have found some more, if you could add them. Thanks for everything.

1st It would be in: alekseon\custom-forms-builder\Model\FieldOptionSources.php

On line 92: {'label' => $option->getLabel(),} for {'label' => __($option->getLabel()),}

2º It would be in: alekseon\custom-forms-builder\view\adminhtml\templates\form\edit\tab\fields.phtml

On line 22: {Tab Name: } by {__('Tab Name:') }

3º It would be in: alekseon\widget-forms\Observer\AddFrontendInputBlockOptions.php

On line 54: {'label' => $data['label'],} by {'label' => __($data['label']),}

I may find some more, I hope I don't bother you.

marcinfr commented 1 month ago

Hi @albertdxc Translations have been added, please update packages.