Aleksoid1978 / VideoRenderer

Внешний видео-рендерер
GNU General Public License v3.0
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关于笔记本电脑Range默认16-235,无法更改为0-255的问题 #70

Closed RBHakureiReimu closed 1 year ago

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago

本人有两台笔记本,两台设备的显卡分别为nVidia的2070MQ和英特尔的核显,当我在这两台设备上使用mpcvr的时候,无论我使用哪台设备,MPCHC或MPCBE,LAV或者MPCBE内置解码器,包括我在显卡控制面板开启了0-255的前提下,mpcvr都只能输出16-235,请问我该如何解决这个问题? 屏幕截图(1)

Masaiki commented 1 year ago

槽点有点多了 YUV 编码的视频多数都是 limited range 的,这里的 range 指的是输入视频的 range 和你指定显卡怎么输出无关 而显卡丢给显示器的数据流是 RGB 编码的,RGB 一般都是 full range 的,你修改的是这里 另外在 GitHub 上提问,还是尽量用英文

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago


Masaiki commented 1 year ago




你可以试试取消 DXVA2 and D3D11 video processor 里的所有勾选

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago


Aleksoid1978 commented 1 year ago

English or Russian. Or i delete issue.

Aleksoid1978 commented 1 year ago

In statistics - Range: 16-235 - it's information FROM source.

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my poor English and Russian, I'll use machine translation if it's okay.@Aleksoid1978

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago

But under the premise of the same video, mpcvr is compared with madvr, and the black of mpcvr is obviously grayer

Aleksoid1978 commented 1 year ago

1 - Try uncheck all options in Use for: - currently you use D3D11 Video Processor, it use you current drivers settings. 2 - In you video driver Intel/Nvidia set 0 - 255 full range.

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your suggestion, but the author's suggestion did not solve my problem, and the control panel of my notebook graphics card can only change the video setting to 0-255, but not the monitor setting to 0-255

Aleksoid1978 commented 1 year ago

For output 0 - 255 you need setup you video drivers. That's all.

RBHakureiReimu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your help

ghost commented 1 year ago

For output 0 - 255 you need setup you video drivers. That's all.

Does the renderer output 16-235 or 255?

shikkoku commented 1 year ago

Is this not because your video source is originally 16-235?
