Aleph-Alpha / magma

MAGMA - a GPT-style multimodal model that can understand any combination of images and language. NOTE: The freely available model from this repo is only a demo. For the latest multimodal and multilingual models from Aleph Alpha check out our website
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fix inference_step #38

Open Fireblossom opened 1 year ago

Fireblossom commented 1 year ago

inference_step passes inference=True to model_engine. However, the __forward__ of the Magma model does not accept this parameter, which will cause an error during training. I fix it by simply copying the inference code from

CoEich commented 1 year ago


thanks for your efforts to contribute to the open source MAGMA code. The codepath for inference during training should indeed be fixed and your help is appreciated :-)

In addition to the comments I added, I would in general prefer not to overload the forward function of the model too much. Maybe you could try to just change the inference_step method to invoke model.generate instead of changing the forward pass, see

Thanks again and let me know what you think.



Fireblossom commented 1 year ago

Hi Constantin,

thank you for your advice. I was going to do the same.

But in practice, I found that deepspeed's model_engine cannot call methods other than forward. (I'm a beginner in deepspeed, as this is my first time with it, so please point out if I'm wrong) But if I call the model directly, it may lead to some unexpected errors, like device mismatch.

For the above reasons, I had to add the code into forward.



CoEich commented 1 year ago

Ok, I think you can just access the model by model_engine.model, not 100% sure if that always works but maybe give it a try.

