Aleph-Alpha / magma

MAGMA - a GPT-style multimodal model that can understand any combination of images and language. NOTE: The freely available model from this repo is only a demo. For the latest multimodal and multilingual models from Aleph Alpha check out our website
MIT License
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Improved inference interface #9

Closed CoEich closed 2 years ago

CoEich commented 2 years ago

Implement an interface like the one Mayukh suggested:

from magma import Magma 
from magma.image import Image, ImageFromURL  ## to easily load/use images

model, tokenizer = Magma(checkpoint = '', config = 'config.yml', device = 'cuda:0')

inputs = [
    'Where is this ? A: Egypt',
    'Where is this ? A:'

embeddings = tokenizer.tokenize(inputs).to(model.device)

output = model.forward(embeddings, output_attentions = True)

logits = output.logits ## tensor of shape [1, len_seq, len_vocab]
attentions = output.attentions ## list of tensors

## this already exists
generated_text = model.generate(embeddings, n_steps = 10, *args)```
Mayukhdeb commented 2 years ago

We can also use a unified image wrapper which handles both local images and urls as seen here

import requests
from io import BytesIO
import  PIL.Image as PilImage

class ImageInput():
    """Wrapper to handle image inputs both from local paths and urls

        path_or_url (str): path or link to image.
    def __init__(self, path_or_url):

        self.path_or_url = path_or_url
        if self.path_or_url.startswith("http://") or self.path_or_url.startswith("https://"):
                response = requests.get(path_or_url)
                self.pil_image =
                raise Exception(f'Could not retrieve image from url:\n{self.path_or_url}')
            self.pil_image =

    def get_image(self):  ## to be called internally
        return self.pil_image

If you want then I'll make a PR with this :slightly_smiling_face: