AlessandroYorba / Alduin

A Vim Colorscheme
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Make internal colours accesible #12

Closed SevereOverfl0w closed 7 years ago

SevereOverfl0w commented 8 years ago

Sometimes I want to reuse the colours from the alduin theme in my vim config, it would be really neat (if possible), so be able to access alduin.colors as a variable of some kind. That way I could define custom highlight groups & such, by reusing the colours defined there.

AlessandroYorba commented 8 years ago

Can you give me an example of what you are looking for? Thanks @SevereOverfl0w

SevereOverfl0w commented 8 years ago

I had to add this to customize the theme:

hi StatusLine ctermbg=585858

It'd be nice to be able to do

hi StatusLine ctermbg=alduin.Nightingale
AlessandroYorba commented 8 years ago

Ah... I see. There just might be a way to do this! I just read a post on stackoverflow where someone wanted to do something similar. See post: It appears that the way to accomplish this is by writing an execute: command within the colorscheme. I created Alduin using the call command in the colorscheme, however your request sounds awesome. Let me play around with the exe in alduin and I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks @SevereOverfl0w