AlessandroYorba / Despacio

A Vim colorscheme
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Campground Feature #10

Closed AlessandroYorba closed 7 years ago

AlessandroYorba commented 7 years ago

I've added a new feature called Campground that currently found on this branch: Campground feature


As you can see it adds a vertical color column that matches the cursorline at column 80 and then a second color column at 120 thru 999.

to enable:

let g:despacio_Campground = 1
colorscheme despacio

The issue is that once this setting is enabled and the user switches to another colorscheme the Campground setting is still active. This is because the feature was written in a way that creates a variable attached to that active vim session. I'm not sure if this is the cleanest way this feature should be utilized. Perhaps there is a better way. So I don't feel comfortable pushing this to the master branch until I get a consensus and or all options have been considered. If you have any input or ideas please comment. Maybe something like this is beyond the scope of a colorscheme and should be a user setting in the .vimrc?

AlessandroYorba commented 7 years ago

Setting a value for colorColumn is something that any colorscheme should provide. Example:

hi ColorColumn ctermfg=NONE guifg=NONE ctermbg=235 guibg=#262626 cterm=NONE gui=NONE

However, having spent some quality time using Campground, and despite the fact that I love the feature , I've come to the conclusion that this is something that a User should set in their own .vimrc.

let &colorcolumn="80,".join(range(120,999),",")

Not only are the settings in Campground subjective, but honestly a feature like this goes beyond the scope of what should be in a colorscheme. It's better to design a colorscheme that makes use of the colors, and leave the custom settings and options for colorColumn to power users.

AlessandroYorba commented 7 years ago

Branch removed and issue is now closed!