AlessioTonioni / Autonomous-Flight-ROS

A simple autopilot for a quadrotor realized using MoveIt!. The system use a simulated RGBD sensor to reconstruct the map, then ompl for path generation.
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kinematic and dynamic model of the quadrotor #8

Open boonflies opened 5 years ago

boonflies commented 5 years ago

Can you provide some reference to the kinematic and dynamics equations of the quadrotor considered while motion planning and how they have been integrated while using moveIt? How do the motion planner that we find in motion planning plugin respond to the planning request as for a quadrotor? Is the state of quadrotor represented with links analogous to state, (x,y,z,γ,β,α) or X = (t,x,y,z,V,β,α) or some other state space

AlessioTonioni commented 5 years ago

The kinematic and dynamic of the quadrotor are handled by the hector quadrotor package that provide a simple controller taking as input velocity vectors. The planner produces a series of 3D coordinates corresponding to the route that the quadrotor should follow. Given a couple of consecutive points in the trajectory (A,B), the planning interface computes the vector v=(B-A) and uses it as velocity command for the quadrotor controller. I agree that this is sub-optimal and not suitable for real applications it was more a proof of concept.