Aleteh / TBR3

The Black Road - Dota 2 RPG
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Quest Log size #2

Open Arhowk opened 8 years ago

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

I've reduced it a little bit, let me know if its better.


(sorry i have no quests to show what a quest in it will look like damnit aleteh q.q)

Aleteh commented 8 years ago

I need to be better at looking at the "Issues" section. I'm thinking of doing a simple schematic of the Quest UI like the Shop and Crafting UIs

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

so i have more stuff to not do? sounds good to me.

Aleteh commented 8 years ago

Some thoughts would be nice

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

That actually looks really nice. Did you make that in panorama or is it just photoshopped over?

jibrankhan commented 8 years ago

Good stuff. One suggestion I have is some visual indicator of the progress of each objective/sub-objective.

You could use colors like green for completed, orange for in-progress, and red for not started as an example (maybe reds a little harsh :) )

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

The current quest log has green for done and red for failed. I'm probably big changing that.

jibrankhan commented 8 years ago

Oh cool, ye red for failed is better. Some kind of an in-progress indicator would still be good.

Also, maybe this has already been implemented or is overkill depending on the number of quests available at a time, but perhaps include some kind of filtering options or tree structure (e.g based on area) to make sorting through your quests easier?

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

yeeeaah if you wanna write that than be my guest.

E/ on second thought, aleteh's picture has to be photoshopped because my system doesn't seperate kills from desc text

Aleteh commented 8 years ago

It is photoshopped. Also i added an outline so it doesn't disappear on a bright background. The quest system you made is great. Just need to be changed visually a little bit i guess

MNoya commented 8 years ago

There's a dozen of AAA games with quest logs guys no need to reinvent the wheel with the design Just check WoW or your MMORPG of choice

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

theres also dozens of AAA games with terrain why dont we just use their terrain

MNoya commented 8 years ago

But we are copying a terrain already :satisfied:

Arhowk commented 8 years ago

says you

Aleteh commented 8 years ago

says allah