Alethieum / AlethieumAevoSDK

The AlethieumAevoSDK is a Python library that provides developers with a simple and efficient way to programmatically connect to the Aevo exchange. The SDK includes public functions, order execution strategies, and trading bots like Gridbots, enabling developers to build custom trading applications and automate their trading strategies on Aevo.
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Fedback #2 #2

Open maul37 opened 10 months ago

maul37 commented 10 months ago

Clarity of Documentation: Ensure the documentation provides clear explanations, examples, and step-by-step guides for beginners to understand the SDK's functionalities easily.

Use Cases: Highlight various practical use cases to demonstrate how developers can effectively utilize the SDK in different scenarios.

Robustness and Reliability: Evaluate the SDK's reliability, robustness, and its ability to handle various edge cases or unexpected situations during trading operations.

Integration and Ease of Use: Assess how easily developers can integrate the SDK into their projects and whether the provided code snippets and examples are easily understandable.

Community Support and Resources: Consider the availability of community support, forums, or additional resources that can assist developers in using the SDK effectively.

Security Measures: Verify the security protocols in place to safeguard users' information and transactions.

Performance: Test the SDK's performance in terms of speed, efficiency, and responsiveness during various trading operations.