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Translation bugs and missing entries in Catalan language #1370

Closed carmarri closed 1 year ago

carmarri commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm Catalan-native and I've found some bugs in file ca.min.js of words that look like "google-translated" or conceptually wrong from a programmer's or designer point of view in the following variables: formatting: 'Formatar' unorderedList: 'Lista desordenada' orderedList: 'Lista ordenada' italic: 'Itàlica' strikethrough: 'Suprimir' strong: 'Forta' em: 'Èmfasi' reset: 'Reiniciar'

they should be: formatting: 'Format' unorderedList: 'Llista desordenada' orderedList: 'Llista ordenada' italic: 'Cursiva' strikethrough: 'Ratllat' strong: 'Negreta' em: 'Cursiva' reset: 'Cancel·lar

There are also some missing translations for the following variables: undo redo removeformat superscript subscript target width _blank

I've attached the full file fixed ("ca.js" & "ca.min.js")

Alex-D commented 1 year ago

Translations are made by contributors, so I cannot really verify them. I just hope that some persons like you come to fix them if necessary :)

Thank you for all your contributions! Those will be available in the release 2.27.1!