Alex-D / Trumbowyg

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Table Plugin is not allowing fast typing #1392

Open ChanduSekharB opened 1 year ago

ChanduSekharB commented 1 year ago

When I type letters in table columns fast-ly table plugin is unable to print the letters in the columns.

I tried in the demo page as well

dannyrobertson commented 1 year ago

I have experienced this also. Typing into table data fields causes a lot of lag. It can take minutes after I'm done typing a sentence for the data to appear on the screen. The browser frequently indicates the page is not responding. I have tested on macOS in Safari, Edge, and Chrome. Just enabling the table plugin slows typing speed considerably in the editor.

kentico-ericd commented 1 year ago

Potentially related to

Alex-D commented 1 year ago

That seems related to the resizing of the table. Did you try to set a manual width on each column and/or disable horizontal resizing?

plugins: {
      table: {
        allowHorizontalResize: false